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About This Programme

The Doctor of Philosophy Degree is research degree by thesis under the supervision of experienced members of academic staff or a supervisory panel. A panel is made up of a graduate staff and experts from the University or other Institutions.  The minimum duration of study is 2 years for full time and 3 years for part time.

The progress of a research student is monitored and assessed by the supervisor at the end of each semester. Final assessment is made through the thesis prepared by the student and an oral examination. A student who has satisfied the Examination Committee in all aspects of their work is eligible for the award of the Degree of Doctor Philosophy.

Admission Requirements

  • Master Degree from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia or any other Institutions of Higher Learning recognised by the University Senate,

    OR - Other qualification equivalent to a Master Degree with related experience deemed acceptable by the University Senate,

    OR - Bachelor Degree with minimum CPA of 3.67 from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia or any other Institutions of Higher Learning recognised by the University Senate (with a Pass in Interview)

  • Overall TOEFL score (TOEFL paper based ; 500 or TOEFL iBT; 60 ), minimum Band 5 IELTS, or minimum Band 3 for MUET. Exemption shall be granted to candidates or international students who obtained a Bachelor Degree (or equivalent) in Malaysia.

By Research

  • Level
  • Duration
    Minimum 4 Semesters (Full Time)
    Minimum 6 Semester (Part Time)
  • Mode
    Full-Time & Part-Time
  • Field of Study
    Data mining, Soft Computing, Software Engineering, Information Security, Grid & Cloud, Web Technology
  • Total Tuition Fees Full Time 
    RM 14,330.00 (without hostel fee)
  • Total Tuition Fees Part Time 
    RM 16,230.00 (without hostel fee)
  • Total Tuition Fees (International Student)
    RM 26,118.00 (without hostel fee)
  • Intake
    Semester II (Feb/Mar)
    & Semester I (Sep/Oct)
  • Campus
    Pt. Raja (Main Campus)
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Centre for Graduate Studies
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
86400 Parit Raja
Batu Pahat Johor

Tel : +607-456 4849/ 4842
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